After over 35 years of work with beautiful, strong healthy dogs, we feel we have the perfected the “Teddy Bear Puppy”. One look at our dogs and you will understand how they got their name! We welcome you to explore more information on the Teddy Bear Puppy and the Fuller Family!

The Fuller Family is the family of show business legend Ronnie Fuller, his book can be found at entitled “I Will Sing My Songs Again”. Ronnie and Jason in real life are considered two of the greatest songwriters / singers in the world today and their new CD can be found at:
When we first started the American Teddy Bear Association (ATBA) a lot of dog breeders were calling any mixed dog they had a “Teddy Bear Puppy” and were making big bucks selling them. We had one person who mixed a Poodle with a Yorkie (not even close to a “Teddy Bear Puppy”) and sold it as a “Teddy Bear Puppy” to a lady. The Yorkiepoo would sell for about $500 but now using the “Teddy Bear Puppy” name the same dog has sold for as much as $3000 a dog. The buyers must be aware that they are buying a dog and paying big money because many dog breeders are fraudulently saying these are a true “Teddy Bear Puppy” when in fact they are not registered with the American Teddy Bear Association, nor are they even related to a true “Teddy Bear Puppy”. Because of the massive popularity in America, thousands of people are being duped into believing they have purchased a real authentic “Teddy Bear Puppy” from the ATBA. Some of the mixed breeds that are being represented as a “Teddy Bear Puppy” are too numerous to mention. Needless to say, these sales have corrupted the “Teddy Bear Puppy” name and the breed itself.

Numerous breeders are misrepresenting and defiling America’s fastest growing designer breed of dogs, the “Teddy Bear Puppy”. We will carry on business as usual, as the only genuine sellers of the “Teddy Bear Puppy” in America. The ATBA is the only service
registration authority for “Teddy Bear Puppy” and dogs. If you or a friend have purchased a “Teddy Bear Puppy” that is not certified or recognized by the American Teddy Bear Association chances, are you have been defrauded and should seek legal advice immediately or contact ATBA directly.

Once upon a time in a small village in north central Wisconsin, a Teddy Bear came to earth to dwell as a man’s best friend. The birth of the “Teddy Bear Puppy” didn’t happen quite that way. It took years of breeding for disposition, intelligence, coat density, and color. We wanted a small dog who looked like a puppy even as an adult. A small dog who unlike other small dogs wanted to please his master (most small dogs want to please themselves.)
We wanted a little dog who would love everyone in the family and be a very loyal family member. (Like the Golden Retriever.) We wanted a very intelligent but mild mannered dog who didn’t need to go on long walks for exercise but could handle the distance if their master was a walker. We wanted our dog to be easy to train and not have difficulty going outside in our Wisconsin winter. There are so many people who suffer from allergies, so we wanted our dog to be low in dander.
We are meticulous in our homes and don’t want a dog that sheds….
The “Teddy Bear Puppy” have hair and not fur. A trip to the groomer every 8-10 weeks keeps them looking their best at all times. (I’d much rather have a dog that needs a haircut rather than one who leaves hair all over my house and clothes.) We needed our dogs to be very versatile to get along great with elderly as well as young children. They also needed to get along well with other animals. In the world today, people have so many different lifestyles so we wanted our dogs to work in every situation. We needed them to fit in whether their owner lived in an apartment, condo, small or large home. They definitely could not be chronic barkers! They will usually let you know when someone is at the door, but once they know the person is a welcome visitor, the immediately want to make friends.
After years of work with beautiful, strong healthy dogs, we feel we have the perfected the “Teddy Bear Puppy”. One look at our dogs and you won’t even question how they got their name!
So tonight, all over America, as little old ladies and kids cuddle up to their “Teddy Bear Puppy” with love and pride because they feel blessed to have a puppy with such a great history…